SBS internship course is non-credit course provided respectively by SBS to undergraduate students.
Starting from 2022-2023 academic year, Sabancı Business School students will be able to do their compulsory internships during the semester breaks between Fall & Spring semesters provided that there is sufficient time (min. 20 working days) and the course prerequisites are met. Registration can be done online in add-drop period.
The prerequisite for the SBS internship course is "PROJ 201 or PROJ 102 Project" course and ENG 300 course.
To be enrolled in SBS internship course, they are required to be enrolled in SBS Undergraduate Program. The only exception to this article is through Faculty Board of Directors approval.
Passing the SBS internship course is a prerequisite for SBS students. If the student has a valid excuse and this excuse is considered appropriate by the Faculty Management Board, in such case adjustments can be made in the internship course records by the last day for entering grades in the summer school.
Internship may begin at the earliest after the finals shown in the academic schedule, and must be completed by the beginning of the next academic term.
Public holidays do not count towards internship period.
Students cannot do internship on the days of their course or exam. The number of weekly internship days cannot be less than 3 days.
A single course will be taken together with the internship regardless of graduation in the Summer Semester.
Students who have only internship courses left for their graduation can register for the Internship Course in the Fall and Spring Semesters. Registration can be done online in add-drop period.
By year of 2022 - 2023 Academic Calendar, students can do their mandatory internship between the Fall and Spring Semester if there is sufficient time (min. 20 business days) for their mandatory internship who provide prerequisites of the course. Students can register for the Internship Course online during the Fall Semester Add- Drop dates.
Students who only are in the graduation period can register either Internship Course in the Fall and Spring Semesters or a Single Course together with Internship Course. Registration can be done online in add-drop period in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
1. Enrolling in SBS Internship Course
The SR opens the Student Information System for enrolment in SBS internship course over the Information System / Students and announces relevant information to the students. The students get enrolled in SBS internship course (MGMT 300) over the Information System / Students at course registration time in the spring term or add drop period in the spring term for the summer term.
Students can register as online for the SBS Internship Course (MGMT 300) for their mandatory internship between Fall and Spring Semester during the Fall Semester Add - Drop dates.
2. Internship Application and Evaluation of the Internship Result
The students who are enrolled in SBS internship course contact the domestic or foreign companies and institutions where they can carry out their internship and inform them of their intention. Students can do their internships in a company in Turkey or abroad and in a NGO in Turkey or abroad.
The form that students enrolled into the FASS internship course must fill out to begin the internship:
- Acceptance Letter (For the Abroad Internship)
- Staj Bilgilendirme - Staj Ücretlerine İşsizlik Fonu Katkısı Formu (FIPAR-C71001-13) (If the internship is in Turkey)
To the Attention of Our Foreign Students Who Will Complete Their Mandatory Internship in Turkey, Please Click For Information.
The students who have enrolled in SBS internship course and have been accepted by the companies/institutions for internship should fill in the Internship Application online via the "Create New Internship" Form at Internship Online Management System.
The student indicates the definition of the internship to be carried out in the company or institution that they will be accepted for internship and other information in the "Create New Internship" Form. After the internship definition written by the student is recorded, a notification message is sent by the system to the Internship Advisor's e-mail adress.
The Internship Advisor evaluates the internship definition and checks the approved or rejected options, and this information is automatically sent to the e-mail address of the student. The student whose internship has been approved by Internship Advisor may start the internship. The student whose internship has been rejected should find another internship and write a new internship definition in the Internship Application Form; then wait for the approval of his/her Internship Advisor.
If requested by the company or the institution, Internship Office gives a Compulsory Internship Certificate to be delivered to the company or the institution where they have been accepted.
3. After the Internship
The students deliver the requested documents to the company or institution and complete their internship in the period indicated below.
The internship period for SBS internship course students enrolled in the SBS internship course is minimum 20 working days. Holidays are not counted towards your internship.
Internship Office requests from the related company/institution to evaluate the performance of the student throughout the internship over the web (with the firm code and password) online by filling out the Student Evaluation Form. This form that has been filled out by the company/institution is automatically sent to the Internship Online Management System.
The students submit their projects Final Report by the relevant format to the Internship Online Management System.
4. Internship Final Report Format
For internship final report format please click here.
2024 - 2025 Fall Term Important Dates:
The earliest date which students can start their internships: 23.09.2024
The latest date which students can finish their internships: 11.01.2025
The last date students can upload their final reports to the system: 14.01.2025
2024 - 2025 Important Dates Between Fall-Spring Semester:
The earliest date which students can start their internships: 13.01.2025
The latest date which students can finish their internships: 04.02.2025
The last date students can upload their final reports to the system: 07.02.2025
2024 - 2025 Spring Term Important Dates:
The earliest date which students can start their internships: 13.01.2025
The latest date which students can finish their internships: 04.06.2025
The last date students can upload their final reports to the system: 10.06.2025
2024 - 2025 Summer Term Important Dates: 10.06.2025
The earliest date which students can start their internships:
The latest date which students can finish their internships:
The last date students can upload their final reports to the system: